
The Alchemy App

Join The Relationship Revolution

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What's In The Alchemy App?

Advice, Practices, Courses and Videos for Every Stage of Your Relationship

The 5 Principles of Alchemical Relating

Dating and Networking with Mental Health In Mind

23 Question Relationship Test

Personality Quizzes

Digital Tarot Readings


Post A Question & We'll Make You A Video

Events & 1-1 Support

Tina's Story - Is It A Fantasy View Of Relationship?

Tina is a straight young professional In her late twenties living in New York and she's looking for love. She's had some success matching with people on Tinder and Bumble and even on Feeld. But the problem is always the same - they have some fun, maybe even engage in a sexual relationship ( Which is never great), but there's never much depth, vulnerability, authenticity, or excitement. 

After a time, she goes back to swiping, trying to find a connection that's more meaningful. But honestly, she's depressed and doesn't believe anymore. On top of that, she knows that even if she does fall deeply in love and get married, she's more likely to struggle and find herself divorced by her mid-thirties than live happily ever after.

Scrolling through Instagram one day she comes across Alchemy. She's curious and hopeful and so she downloads and starts taking some courses. She learns about her own patterns in relationship, about her own body, and ways to engage in relationship on a deeper level. 

She takes a risk and decides to browse Alchemy Connect, the social and dating component of the app. She finds some interesting guys she'd consider dating and even some women she'd like to add as friends. Alchemy offers her the opportunity to answer some questions posed by the people she's interested in, so she does that. 

Mark, One of the guys she liked, read her response and really liked it. He decides to respond and connect. Tina and Mark have a deep conversation utilizing some of the built in prompts offered by Alchemy. Before meeting in person, however, they decide to take a live workshop produced by Alchemy.

When they do finally meet in person, they have a good connection. They follow the advice provided by Alchemy, and don't force any kind of specific relationship on each other. They take their time and allow what's natural to evolve. Meanwhile, they continue to use the app’s courses, groups, and social functions to create a greater community of conscious relationship support.

A year later, Mark and Tina are enjoying life together but they have their first major fight. Once again they turn to Alchemy for support. They choose one of the available counselors and have a few private sessions, which helps them sort out the differences that they had.

Five years later Tina and Mark come to a crossroads. Mark was offered a job in Europe and Tina decides that she doesn't want a long-distance relationship. This time they utilize Alchemy's process for conscious separation to support each other in letting go of the connection. They continue to enjoy a friendship for the rest of their lives and they continue to enjoy the benefits of Alchemy for years to come.

What's Different About Alchemy?


~ You should be the one choosing who you connect with  - NOT a computer or programmer.

That's why we give you access to 100% of search filters for free.


~ All other dating apps make money by keeping you on the app as long as possible.

This can mean hours of wasted time and addiction-like behavior when seeking those dopamine hits.

That's why we limit the time you spend on the app and amount of open matches you can have.


~ We want to make sure you're seeking connections from a place of stability and curiosity, not need, fear, and loneliness.

So we offer you a mental health checklist before scrolling and solutions if you need them. 


~ No matter how many dates you go on, at the end of the day your relationship skills will determine where those connections end up.

So we offer you videos, courses, journaling prompts, and practices to do with yourself or with a partner - at any stage of the relationship.


~ Healthy relationships are the key to human happiness, a sense of meaning, identity, and pupose. 

Working on your connection to yourself creates a fundamental shift that ripples into every connection you have and ultimatly, can change the entire world for the better. 


Relationships have become about getting something rather than being part of something and thus, tend to have shorter lifespans. This is because as people grow and change, so do their desires and curiosities.

This isn’t necessarily a bad thing. But because of the cultural mythology around relationship, people tend to feel like failures when they can’t find the ‘perfect someone.’


Content Based On The Five Principles of Alchemical Relating

~ Lead with Vulnerability 

~ Be Curious

~ Prioritize Fun

~ Never Rush

~ Trust Your Feeling 


Content Based On Relationship Struggles
~ Loneliness without a partner~ Loneliness in a relationship~ Petty arguments
Deal Breaker disagreements
Sexual Compatibility and Connection
~ Poor communication~ Feeling a lack of authentic connection~ Anxious / Avoidant Attachment issues


Content Based On Stages of Relationship

~ Dating Myself

~ Seeking

~ Getting to know them

~ Honeymoon Phase

~ Long Term Relating

~ Parenting

~ Breaking Up

~ Discussing Polyamory

Download The App To Learn More

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